First Floor – Main Hall

Fengbo (Duke of the Wind)

Fengbo (Duke of the Wind)


♦Sacred birth celebrated on the 9th day of the tenth lunar month♦

Fengbo is the deity of the wind. He is one of the seven mansions in the east among the Twenty-Eight Mansions of the Chinese constellations system. As the fourth “Chi” star in the Wenchang (Sagittarius) Constellation, he is responsible for controlling, judging, and allocating wind. He is also called “Duke Chi.” People from the Chu area in the south refer to him as “Feilian”. He is depicted as a divine bird with the body of a deer, and a matter like a leopard. His head resembles the mythical ancient Jue beast with a pair of horns on his head and a snake-like tail. He is adept at raising wind.